Visit our sister church Grace Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran Church

March 20 2020

Due to the quarantine effort across our nation, public, corporate worship services will not be held for the near future. We’d like to stay in touch with you through email: sermons, devotions, words of encouragement. Please email your address to Pastor Willitz at to be added to our list. You may also find us on Facebook. Watch for video options!

If we are able to resume meeting by Holy Week, our schedule is as follows:
Maundy Thursday worship on April 9 at St. Paul’s, 7:00 pm
Good Friday worship on April 10 at Grace, 1:30 pm
Easter Sunday worship on April 12 at St. Paul’s, 8:00 am; and at Grace, 10:30 am

May God bless and keep you!

Friday, March 20, 2020 - 14:02