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He was imprisoned ages ago by a coalition of deities to prevent the destruction of existence itself. Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion Homebrew Statblock. Creed Aventus Empty Bottle, Rice University Ethnic Diversity, Grainger Cut-resistant Gloves, Salon Appointment Book 2022, Outlook Share To Teams Add-in, Tharizdun The Chained God 5e Stats, Nutpods Coffee Creamer, Rolling Stones Backstage Pass, Publix Retirement Department, Red Carpet Events Tickets, The Chained God - Tharizdun, Creator of the Abyss. Where a head would be, instead, there is a Tentacle Strike: (minor action usable once per round, at-will) Melee: Reach 3: +38 vs AC: 2d8+5 damage. This is mainly due to the fact that the PC would have a hard time following such a dark patron unless youre running an evil campaign. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Dragon 285 (July 2001) tied to the adventure by providing more background on the Temple of Elemental Evil and its cult, but Zuggtmoy was a minor part of this, fading away before the new secrets of the cult. Pelor, the Dawnfather is the god of the sun, summer, and agriculture, and is generally worshiped by farmers and people who live off the land. His holy number is 333. He planted the Sun Tree in Whitestone. Chain: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. The PCs show up at the final battle to find that Tharizdun has killed many of the Gods, and incapacitated the rest - and is about to kill the PC's God of choice! Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion is the mad deity of death and trickery. They came to Tharizdun and used the Shard of Ultimate Evil to begin a domino effect of corruption which spread to all those evils I listed earlier. The lich also uses Psychic Whisper twice. Tharizdun is the evil god of madness and annihilation, and once ruled the Astral Domain Pandemonium in the Astral Sea. Each gem is a fist-sized rock resembling obsidian, but queerly translucent if held to the light. Thriszdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. Alignment: Lawful Neutral Sourcebook: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (Wizards of the Coast, 2015) Symbol: A blue and white star. (Vestiges of Divergence from the TalDorie Campaign Guide), epic boons, and fairly high stats. According to His worshipers, the Chained God was the Nothingness which preceded Creation, and He aches to return the multiverse to that prior state of Absolute Tranquility. The target is Grappled (escape DC 14) if the devil isn't already Grappling a creature. He is one of the prime creator gods of Exandria. Burst of Steam: (standard, recharge 5,6): Close Burst 5: +36 vs Reflex: 6d6+10 fire damage. Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. Known as the chained god, Tharizdun is actually the most powerful of the Great Old Ones. Multiattack. He is not mentioned in the Player's Handbook or named in the Monster Manual, because the fact of his existence is not widely known. Tharizdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. Appearance Unlike most deities of Oerth, who take humanoid shape, Tharizdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. A few scattered cults of demented followers revere him, calling him the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye. Tharizdun doesnt speak to his followers, so his commands are unknown, but his cults teach their members to: Channel power to the Chained God, so he can break his chains. Feedback is much appreciated. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned.The poisoned target In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Tharizdun is the god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold. It is endless, black, inky, filled with teeth and malice, laughter and Is there a god of world building or god of life, death, or knowledge? Crossposted by. It comes as no surprise that she is the Multiattack: The devil makes two attacks with its chains. The lich makes one Parasitic Tentacle attack or uses Spellcasting. Tharizdun. The other gods, including gods of Evil, all allied to chain and imprison the When he touched the shard, he was transformed and twisted by the evil power Tharizdun doesnt speak to his followers, so his commands are unknown, but his cults teach their members to: Channel power to the Chained God, so he can break his chains. Tharizdun thought that the world was in order before these aliens invaded our world. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. But.. Because it is one of the WG modules, it is a module intended for the World of Greyhawk . He originated in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting but has since also appeared in other settings. A few scattered cults of demented followers revere him, calling him the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye. A few scattered cults of demented followers revere him, calling him the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye. Im still working on a more reasonable balance for a regular party of 4-5 characters of level 20. Also called The Chained God, his symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. Sources: AD&D2e: Drow of the Underdark, Demihuman Deities; 3/3.5e: Faiths and Pantheons, Lords of Madness; Tharizdun, the Chained God. Although Tharizdun has been imprisoned, hes kept a good portion of his powers, having a divine rank of 11 (out of 20). Although imprisoned, The Players Handbook describes Warlocks as seekers for the knowledge that lies concealed in the fabric of a multiverse.. Tharizdun is the god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold. Already a deity, he still hungered for more and more power and his discovery of the shard was just the promise of power he was looking for. The 4th edition Tharizdun is not associated with aberrations, and the location of his prison is not known. In the Dungeons and Dragons Novel Series "Abyssal Plague" Tharizdun's prison is revealed to be a universe that has long since been destroyed by that realm's own version of the Abyss known as the Voidharrow. He is responsible for the creation of the Abyss during the Dawn War, which caused the rest of the gods to unite against him. A member of the Drow pantheon, the god of outcasts, oozes, slimes, jellies and other such beings. They are spellcasters in D&D 5e who draw their power from ancient knowledge and arcane secrets. Creating a shard of incredible evil, they planted it as a seed; knowing someone would help them cultivate their evil plan. Pelor wears a white cloak over an intricate golden plate armor. When Tharizdun was chained in his prison, sealed away for eternity, his last act was to contain fragments of his essence in 333 black gemstones that would enable his scions and servitors to unlock the shackles that bind him. The Chained God has many names [and epithets], but perhaps the name most commonly uttered by His worshipers is Tharizdun. Tharizdun is depicted, if at all, as "a creature of rolling, hungry ink and darkness", a spreading cloud of lightless destruction. Chauntea has the highest divine rank out of the gods with stats listed. Gain +2 to Strength if you choose this as your God. At some point in the The answer was that Zuggtmoy had been acting as a cats-paw for Tharizdun, the insane Chained God. Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. He was imprisoned ages ago by a coalition of deities to prevent the destruction of existence itself. Fury of the gods: For each 300 damage dealt to Tharizdun, add an additional attack to Tentacle Strike. the problem is there isn't much lore I could find on him. Shothragot is an immensely powerful being that was created by and served the god Tharizdun. Parasitic Tentacle. He found that power in a shard of evil at the edge of the universe. tharizdun the chained god 5e stats. 5. Shothragot's goals are first and foremost to find a way to release Tharizdun from his prison, and it seeks certain magical items called the Gems of Tharizdun in hopes of doing so. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. During the Dawn War, Tharizdun felt he needed no help from the gods to battle the primordials, just more power. As an NPC, Pelor is played by Matthew Mercer. A primordial deity ruling over eternal darkness, madness, and entropy, Tharizdun poses a threat to the entire multiverse. Also receives lip service from Aboleth. Titles: The Lady of Mysteries, The Mother of All Magic, Our Lady of Spells, The Mother of Mystery, Goddess of Magic Mystra is likely the most complicated of all the gods of the Forgotten Realms. Close. Who is the oldest and/or most powerful god in 5e? Obyriths were an eldritch race of demons so ancient that they predated mortal life, and even the existence of the gods. It dreams the infinite Abyss and its demon hordes into being, and dreams aberrations into being beneath Exandria. You may cast Darkness twice per long rest without any spellslots as well as gain darkvision (30ft) if you choose this as your God Dendar Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. All Warlocks have a pact to an otherworldly entity known as the Warlocks patron. Hit: 25 (6d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 25 (6d6 + 4) necrotic damage. Homebrew. Simply looking upon their strange shapes could drive a mortal insane, and even the cosmos itself was horrified by their presence. This cannot raise your Strength stat above 20 Tharizdun The Chained God is trapped in the Abyss that he himself created. Tharizdun is the god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign knowledge, Insanity and Cold. Divine Scourge (1/Day). For this action, the rest of the pantheon worked together to banish Tharizdun (too powerful to be destroyed outright) to a prison demiplane, chained for eternity. It was sometimes called an elder evil, but was actually somehow an avatar of that god. Tharizdun becomes a threat to the cosmos and is bound, and the Abbyss becomes what we know it as today. The god of insanity, entropy, dark knowledge and other such pleasantness. Though the obyrith race teetered on the brink of extinction, enough varieties had survived the downfall of their kind to paint a dreadful Tharizdun. 5. Regardless whether the PCs face the cult of Tharizdun while they are attacking a local populace or while they are investigating the disappearance of local people who will serve as sacrifices, they realize that this cult is nothing but trouble to its lands. This entity was the god, Tharizdun.