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Accept. During the current alignment, the Flame is now becoming consciously known to the twins through the same vibrational and telepathic connection the twins are currently awakening to between each other, this connection between all three bodies will become stronger as time goes on and eventually all three bodies will be fully aware of each others energetic Skip to secondary content. Your past wounds are open to each other and you hold a perfect mirror of each others love and imperfections. In order to understand the Twin Flame journey better, do the necessary research and find your tribe! Answer (1 of 20): You dont need to be in alignment with his vibrations. As you shift closer into alignment with your soul, you are energetically pulling your Twin Flame closer into alignment with your soul as well. (03:55-04:05) The only way to have love is to shift and align closer to your true soul vibration which incidentally is your Twin Flame. (04:41-04:54) Therefore, it makes sense for separation to occur when you are having trouble establishing common ground with your twin flame . About AllEternalLove. Whilst the first meeting of the Twins is a divinely orchestrated event, the twin flame reunion is a matter of consciousness. Shared Dreams. 1) The Conflict Stage (The Test) Once youve met your twin flame, you feel an awakening as if everythings meant to be. For her to do this, she has to raise her vibration and get into alignment with love, creating union within. The runner twin flame is often accustomed to a glossed over life. The twin flame reunion occurs whenever your traumas are healed, your souls enter into vibrational alignment, and the problems in your relationship fade away. A relationship between twin flames is special and unlike any other. This portal is significant for the twins. This is the loving thing to say, because you are enabling them to take responsibility and heal. The alignment of the Sun and the Moon in a straight line talks about one of the important physical merges. This is in alignment with the vibration of the imposter soul. Twin Flames are an energetic vibrational alignment of two people with romantic undertones and are here for a cause. You dont need to be in alignment with his vibrations. The reason why people think Twin Flames may not last forever is because they will bring up and amplify anything that is out of alignment in your vibration. Stage 11: Illumination. This is what tries to guide you back together during difficult stages. 3) REACHING HARMONY: 3.) The Vibrational Alignment Program comes in 11 full PDF classes with 6 Energy Clearing Audio tools and Deep Meditations - beautifully designed to take you through each step of your journey back to love with your Twin Flame in an easy to follow, concise format. Telepathy. The meeting of twin flames is a rare occurrence and carries enormous potential for personal transformation. Meeting your twin flame will be like an existential earthquake; youll feel an instant connection, sparks, and comfort. This pattern, at times, seems like an inexorable painful dance. we live and operate in the stagnant energy which attracts the similar vibrational events in our lives. Twin flames always share energy, emotion and interests even before they ever physically meet. We're here to learn, heal, evolve, align, ascend, find peace, accept and love ourselves, and perhaps encourage and support each other along the way. Focus on bringing your vibration into alignment with your twin flame. This soul connection will always last for eternity because you are always connected to all levels of spirituality. Sometimes, you wont be together for a long time and awakening will be reached in that short period. Twin Flame Union is the reward for all of your hard work. Once both twin flames enter the surrender stage and complete enough self-improvement to move onward you both enter a stage of vibrational alignment known as the illumination stage. The sciences are a good example of this. Feeling Their Presence Around You. It is therefore not to be confused with Union, which is final and permanent, since Union is a complete energetical alignment between twins. So if twin flame reunion is on your mind this year, make sure you take advantage of these energies. It is a very balanced and nurturing number. Also, find out how to learn what your spirit guides and higher self are trying to communicate on your journey. You Both Werent Ready For The Earth aligns with the spiritual sun on the Lions gate portal. A real shift in your mind is possible when you clean up and remove fears instead of burying them. The best way is to work on yourself, develop more self-love and work on your lifes purpose. 1) VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENT: The Nature of Twin Flame Energy and Vibrational Alignment, what it means and why it's necessary to get to Union. Your higher vibrations will draw your twin flame in your energetic field. Unfortunately, many of us come from backgrounds and families where the energy wasnt in an ideal, high vibrational alignment. Skip to secondary content. We can associate the number 11:11 with twin flames, twin souls and the twin flame destiny. 2) TELEPATHY: Developing Telepathy and remote touch, plus clearing energetic blocks. Joseph Campbell. There may be multiple versions of them, entering your life at multiple points, and their purpose is to act as mirrors into your soul. Love is the vibration through which the entire Universe sustains. If you are experiencing this pain, try using the same techniques as you would to ease the burning sensation. Stage 2: Meeting. consciousreminder. What this means for Twin Flames is that in order for their own vibration to emit at higher frequency, they need to unleash all the rubbish keeping them stuck in the 3D paradigm matrix, and into the alignment of 5D where they create their own heaven on earth experience, with or without their Twin Flame. Healthy Twin Flame boundaries mean that you hold your Twin Flame responsible for their emotions. When we release every single thing, and we decide to let go, our twin flame, our expectation, our timelines, our doubts, and our fears, our vibrations will slowly begin to rise to knowledge, belief, love, peace, contentment, and happiness. 2) Fatigue Youll enter a reunion of the souls in which the two twin flames are integrated into one. These numbers are esoteric transmissions and frequency activations to heighten your vibration and assist the light codes, sacred heritage and DNA lineages as well as healing ancestral lineages. The Twin Flame is tasked with embodying and channeling the truth about love and holding space for the transmission of the Twin Flame love frequency that is and will continue to break down old beliefs and paradigms about what true love is on this planet. Twin Flames Are Mirrors. Then, we will also start becoming the vibrational match for additional positive things. Number 2: More Alignment and Connection. It is necessary for them to be in vibrational alignment with you, and vice versa. Just when you think everythings fine and dandy conflict happens. Heal any martyrdom tendencies. Skip to primary content. You are being "pushed" to move "be" and create the New. Twin Flame ascension requires cleaning up the dirt instead of sweeping it under the rug. Lifting your soul vibration, as you keep it to a higher level in love. Posts about Twin Flames & Twin Souls written by Joanna. New Life Path Emerges. Step 2. Specializing in Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine vibrational alignment. The first step towards reuniting with your twin flame is to come into vibrational alignment with them. Your work is a miracle and I am so grateful for your support." Twin flames are higher conscious beings of love, who are now here on earth on a mission. Our combined 37-year background in quantum healing has equiped us to help you heal your abandonment wounds, transform your trauma, recode your emotions, trancend your limitations, and reclaim your power, as you come into alignment with your true self, and magnetize your twin flame! I appeal to the most beloved person in You need to raise yours higher and he will align his to yours. Note that energy clearings work even if you are currently apart from your Twin Flame - because you share a collective karmic and energetic You need to raise yours higher and he will align his to yours. Number 2: More Alignment and Connection. The ultimate true enlightenment. That is the truth of the law of attraction. The energetic link of any negative vibration of yours needs to be dismantled and all inharmonious frequencies associated with it need to come into equilibrium. This is caused by the same thing as the burning sensation, a vibration disconnect in the twin flame connection. The human experience can be challenging at times because we have been taught that dreams are hard to accomplish. With the twin flame that has clarity, what is important is that they observe how they feel in the runner twin's presence. As a way to offer support and guidance though, the universe comes through for each twin with signs to show that they are on the right path and that their spiritual relationship is evolving towards that high vibrational twin flames love. Its all about strengthening your twin flame bond. You need to resolve this crisis with one heart and mind which should be easier granting your two halves made one. Rely on your strengths. Think about the characteristics that have made you and your relationship strong. There are many Twin Flames who come together and either stay together or separate for a time being because they havent achieved that Union within. Alignment and healing of this chakra is important at this time. 25 Positive Affirmations for Twin Flame. Surprisingly enough, this is a sign you are in alignment with receiving your soul desire, twin flame reunion. The entire sequence of 11:11 corresponds to two individual twins merging to create the divine sacred union. The sensation can also be described as a powerful lifting of the heart. Most times, one twin flame is exceptionally enlightened as to what is going on around them, to the degree of being very psychically aware And yet the other one is trapped in dogma, plodding along with lifethinking they are happy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. So what happens to the personal vibration of twin flames? Firstly, all these dimensions are a state of consciousness. Twin flames are meant to be together in this life time but in order for inner and outer union to happen the conscious twin otherwise known as the spiritual twin must align with the highest version of union. You will feel blissful and in peace. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. This is also known as divine timing or alignment. Addictions are rife within the Twin Flame journey. For many twin flames, especially the masculine ones, suddenly the whole idea of a twin flame reunion no longer feels like a delusion, but rather something within reach firmly grounded in this reality. Black magic and entity attachment has nothing on you. If you are stuck in it, you know it. You will feel blissful and in peace. your twin will always be in alignment with how you are feeling at present, and even anything that you may be hiding from yourself. Interestingly, if you are a runner, you are stuck as much as the chaser. While they might have turned from spiritual beliefs in the past, an awakened twin flame will slowly become more and more accepting of these beliefs. It does have to be mutual, or this attraction is just a strong attraction and nothing more. Breakthrough: Vibrational Alignment. You are only responsible for how you feel. Excruciating Emotional Pain. Twin flames healing starts with total solitude in order to heal and release emotional detachment. "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls." In order to attract and align with our Twin Flame (ultimate soulmate), we have to be in our highest vibration of truth, alignment, and love. 13300. by Conscious Reminder. The journey is the purpose: to become fully who we are meant to be; to learn and radiate unconditional love; to return Home. The energetic connection of the soul. Twin Flame Preparation. Four 60-min Twin Flame Ascension Coaching sessions. When they are aligned, it brings about a lot of change, spiritually and emotionally. Theyll become an indispensable part of your life and youll become theirs. Twin flames are 3 roles mesh into one: Lover, best friend, and teacher. Just when you think everythings fine and dandy conflict happens. Accept what happened and accept the fact that this is the only way things could have unfolded. An extremely strong bond felt as sexual energy which, once again, is part of the energetic connection of the soul. Symptoms Of Twin Flame Separation. If youre not in total alignment, whats going to happen is that your Twin Flame will show up in an un-loving way, will show up to mirror your blocks to alignment, or will show up temporarily. The passion between them never dies out and as long as they are together, their Being mindful and grateful is important. 1.) The process is natural but once we are conscious enough we can take charge from here. There is no physical plane, meaning 3D is not Earth and 5D is not Heaven, though most often it is perceived this way among most Twin Flame collectives. Since our soul is eternal, this bond will always be eternal. Part of the twin flames reunion signs includes something called a synchronicity. Clear the blocks that are keeping you in physical separation from your twin flame. One 60-Minute Abundance Session. Align yourself with the version of your Twin Flame that you prefer, instead of paying attention to the version you are currently experiencing. Twin flame separation is the ultimate gift because in releasing everything that is causing pain, you are making way for the best possible life for you in the future (in every way possible). Eschine Orcel integrates NLP, soul parts retrieval, and past life regression therapy to provide you with deep healing that raises your vibration and brings you into full alignment with abundance. Signs of a twin flame bond; Signs your harmonious twinflame union is approaching. 0. The twin flame reunion occurs whenever your traumas are healed, your souls enter into vibrational alignment, and the problems in your relationship fade away. 4) Vibrational Alignment for increased harmony and attraction with your Twin 5) Connecting directly to Source Energy and your creative power as an infinite being 6) Guided meditation to create your Ideal Twin Flame relationship. These are the ball and chain that hold many back from creating new lives, loving themselves and healing. In this article, I will explain what are the differences between 3D, 4D and 5D paradigms. We are here to experience all sorts of scenarios. We are twin flames in union helping other twin flames come into union. Step 2. Shared core values you will hold the same deeply imbedded beliefs. The only real work that needs to be done is to come into the understanding of how the Universe operates and to become aware, or AWAKEN to the fact that you create your reality with your thoughts and beliefs. You Are Doing Your Soul Mission Work Twin Flames, like other lightworkers, are here to be of service to this planet. Change your focus: choose new, better feeling thoughts that you prefer to experience instead. You cant help but fall for them hard. If they are not, it will be impossible to remain together in physical life. Strong Magnetism. The moment that Twin Flames stop mirroring the Vibration of LOVE is usually the same moment that one or both of you step into the vibration of expectation. Twin Flames DO exist, and they exist as prominent members of your soul family as streams of the same consciousness from which you are made, but they are not your perfect match. Heal any tendencies to chase the connection and instead open you up to receive the union. The notion of being in alignment with your twin flame refers to having similar views and goals as your twin soul. Stop blaming yourself, stop overthinking, stop wishing things would have gone differently. The narcissistic or false twin flame appears before your connection with your actual twin flame. Hot & Cold. As both of you share the same soul, you are them and they are you. One of the prerequisites of union is that the twin flame couple enters into it fully conscious. Youll enter a reunion of the souls in which the two twin flames are integrated into one. They literally make you feel sick inside. Responds to your decisions your core choices are mirrored by your twin flame instantly as you are one consciousness. $411. As the twin flame runner awakens this bond strengthens and they become more aware of it. It is a cycle: a pitfall, a phase, and sometimes an unfortunate reality of the twin flame connection all in one. One 60-min Twin Flame Ascension Coaching session. Accept. This will help ease the pain in your stomach. Number 6 is connected to the energy of love, harmony and soul connections. Twin Flame Disc helps to connect with your twin flame, eases the process of acknowledgement, appreciation and understanding, growth, mutual assistance, complete and utter acceptance and recognition of all that both are. This is also known as divine timing or alignment. This self-love and self-approval is the most powerful and effective way to align into twin flame union - as within, so without. 4.) * An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D) reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. One sign of a twin flame connection that is undeniable is the magnetism you might feel towards this other person. Each half embodies both masculine and feminine energies. How to clear that deep emotional pain. But through Coming into vibrational/energetic alignment (AKA Inner Union) with your Twin Flame is what allows for the manifestation of your Twin Flame to appear in the 3D. Release the fear vibration and align you with the love vibration so you are truly ready for union. Stop blaming yourself, stop overthinking, stop wishing things would have gone differently. My heart is always open and Im radiating love. In the Twin Flame situation it blocks healing, union and carrying out their Divine Soul Contract. This leads to a very noticeable shift towards closer interests, morals and energy levels. If you are a chaser, it is painful and overwhelming. How I made my twin flame run this weekend and why I never blame him. There is an amazing opportunity for those hearing this call to come into sacred union in this time of planetary ascension. We are buzzing with spiritual energy, and this increase in body heat is a manifestation of it. This translates into the twin flame vibration being very mixed up when it comes to feeling what they feel. A lot of twin flames want to know if their twin flame actually feels their pain, and the answer is a BIG YES. Everyone wants to know how twin flames interact when they are together. In order to understand the Twin Flame journey better, do the necessary research and find your tribe! We are here to raise the vibration of the planet for our star seed ancestors. Im not an expert on anything, this is all based on my experiences, healing, ***This tool is included in the complete Vibrational Alignment Program*** Testimonials: "Cassady's tools are simple, effective and rapid. Your higher vibrations will draw your twin flame in your energetic field. Healing = vibrational alignment. $88. Im here to offer wise counseling, Spiritual guidance & mentorship. The attraction to one another is almost surreal like something never felt before. The process is 1) The Conflict Stage (The Test) Once youve met your twin flame, you feel an awakening as if everythings meant to be. Accept what happened and accept the fact that this is the only way things could have unfolded. All my relationships are long, lasting, and full of love. You cant help but fall for them hard. Twin flame separation is the ultimate gift because in releasing everything that is causing pain, you are making way for the best possible life for you in the future (in every way possible). A reunion for TFs means interacting with your twin again for a period of time, which is many times short. This is because 11s represent both duality and oneness. This portal brings in blessings. I am a clairvoyant and clairaudient loving empath, with 26 personal years of Twin Flame experience. Apart from being unready, the runner may not be as emotionally or spiritually mature as their twin flame. Simply put if ones growing, but the other isnt, the relationship will fall out of alignment. When one twin flame lacks self-love, the relationship may end up ridden with jealousy or codependency. Honour your own needs so that your twin flame does too. This is a remarkably powerful set of affirmations. 2.) The same life goals your passions and dreams will be mirrored and will compliment each other. Posts about Twin Flames written by Joanna. 3 STEPS TO CHANGING YOUR MOMENTUM TO UNION. Connecting with higher energies is important. I strongly recommend!" The Vibrational Alignment Program (10 full modules + 7 powerful audio tools) $ 197.00 Includes 11 full PDF classes + 7 audio tools a step by step roadmap to Twin Flame Union 1. "Thank you so much Cassady, for your guidance, support and amazing tools. For me, Twin Flame or Twin Soul refers to when an individual Soul within the Soul Group is divided into two halves. It indicates synchronicity and spiritual messages will be occurring in our lives. DNA Light codes and Lineages to be fully activated particularly with the Blue Ray and other Rays of Twin Flames. Skip to primary content. Youve finally met your destiny. One half retains more masculine and the other more feminine energies. Private Ascension Coaching Packages. The twin flames seek to reach a twin flame illumination stage to realize their beings, completely eliminating their egos, allowing their bodies to be possessed by energies of the creator, these are of the highest spiritual vibration that take them irremediably to true paths of light. Be prepared for union! The energetic vibration of the twin flame journey opens even the hardest cynic up to the universe in front of them. Youve finally met your destiny. 2. Dating your Twin Flame or being married to your Twin Flame does not automatically equal Union. The twin flame journey is about spiritual growth, evolution and ascension. I encounter love in all my relationships and I love such encounters. Because Expectation is of a lower Vibration you cant be in the Love vibration at the same time. Causes Of Twin Flame Separation. $150. The intense vibrational energies that are evoked when near our twin flame can cause us to feel hot to the touch. Your twin flame will appear in your life when you are a vibrational match for the twin flame connection. These scenarios, the roles we The vibration here on the earth is too low for their light bodies and consciousness. While the runner and the chaser dynamic can last, there will be a point where both sides will eventually surrender to each other and stop running away from themselves and each other. Why the twin flame label does matter. This is the mainly indication of the Twin Flame: there is no doubt about the soul connection. This clean up is part of an ascension process that is happening globally. Compatible with tablets, computers and all smart phones. This is why we volunteered and came to have the human experience, as front line warriors, explorers, and pioneers. The very best explanation Ive heard about twin flames comes from Teal Swan, which neatly cuts through the enormous misconceptions surrounding this subject. This idea is flawed as it ascribes traits to souls that are more physical than they are energetic. A soul is not a clump of energy, like a body is a clump of bones and flesh. This is a safe, encouraging, loving, high vibed place for twin flames to discuss their spiritual and healing journeys, and their twin flame experience. On the flip side, we may find ourselves feeling very cold when we are away from our twin flame. Our every breath is sustained through the power of love. They serve two purposes: first, they test you as to whether or not youre ready for the real thing; and second, it gives you the needed time and experience for your breakthrough. We have grown up with the idea that we must strive really hard to be successful in life and attain our personal and professional goals. Signs of alignment with your twinflame. To harness the blessings. Letting go of past old patterns and starting fresh is the first step to healing and coming to an alignment with your Twin. - Joslyn R. California, USA a time-frame for frequency alignment of the Twin Flame needs to be a consideration. Each Soul Group is overseen by an Oversoul.