why is the concept of holy trinity confusinghouses for sale in cayuga heights, ny

Trinity is defined as the union of three divine persons (or hypostases), the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one divinity, so that all the three are one God as to substance, but three Persons (or hypostases as to individuality)."Many might find the whole doctrine of trinity a very confusing one, in this paper; we will look at the reasons . All of the creedal formulations and theological jargon and . Why not try together to think of other . It tries to portray the relationship of the three as a triangle with equal sides, but this is false: the real relationship is a straight line down from god to the spirit to the human Jesus as it was for David. The concept of person, although somewhat confusing and vague, is nevertheless necessary. Simply put, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity states that God is the union of three divine persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - in one divine being. This is perhaps the most common analogy for the Trinity. They weren't really relating to this concept of the Trinity. There is alot of misconception about holy trinity, much of this confusion are actually misplaced. Introduction. Children's Sermon (John 16:12-15)The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Object Lesson. Why is the Trinity so difficult to understand? 'triad', from Latin: trinus 'threefold') defines God as being one god existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence). Keep your explanation simple and marvel at the wonder of God together. Because that's what happens when one tries to mix in a man-made falsehood with a scriptural truth. When we are seeing objects or people, we are giving them characters and recognized them as different entities. Stated differently, God is one in essence and three in person. It is confusing because, you are seeing three (3) different people or symbols. Are there things in life that confuse you? C. First of all I want to tell you that the Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The word "trinity" is a term used to denote the Christian doctrine that God exists as a unity of three distinct, simultaneous persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It's difficult to comprehend how one God may exist in three forms. And the verses that were said in the lesson when I was growing up in the church I grew up in, they didn't make sense. Most Christians and non Christians centres ultimately the concept of holy trinity on the three-in-one issue. In this context, the three persons define who God is, while the one . He is beyond us. And I feel. It's like a three leaf clover: one entity, but with three parts. Even though the word "Trinity" is not found in . The Christian doctrine of the Trinity affirms that while God is one, He exists as three persons: The unknown God, creator and source of all life; Jesus Christ who has revealed the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the bond of love between Father and Son, who is always at work in transforming the world according to God's . The difference between the persons of the Holy Trinity was to be relational only. A Trinity doctrine is commonly expressed as the statement that the one God exists as or in three equally divine "Persons", the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Answers. Why is the identity of God so complex and confusing? These explanations still leave most people confused. It's like a man who is a father, son and a husband: one man, three functions. To think we will ever fully understand the Trinity is to make the mistake of thinking God is fully understandable. That is why, it does not so much justify its concepts, such as a person or relation, but it rather assumes them and uses in explanation of the created reality. However, there are ways that God has chosen to talk to us. Judaism and Christianity share many ideas and behaviors. Both faiths worship the same God and follow comparable ethical and . He is beyond us. Love is the core of God's divine essence. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (Latin: Trinitas, lit. The feast of the Holy Trinity is the perfect occasion to explain this great mystery to your children. Its three equal sides perfectly capture the co-equality of the Trinity and what it means to be three different persons but a single God. God is love. The Son "proceeds" from the Father, and the Holy Spirit "proceeds from the Father and the Son.". And what had always confused me was that I didn't really see that written in the Bible. (7) The Holy Spirit is not the Father. Water can exist in liquid at room temperature. Children's Sermon (John 16:12-15)The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Object Lesson. When correctly understood John 1:1 supports the truth that Jesus . The Trinity is not comprised of parts . They weren't really relating to this concept of the Trinity. The Doctrine of Trinity. For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. The holy trinity is important, however the issue of threeness-in-oneness is not that Paramont. Growing up, depending on your church background, you could have heard him referred to as the Holy Ghost, as an "it," or just a "good feeling." . He is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Bible, we are taught that God is one thing. God the Father created the universe and heavens, for the Son to oversee. Answer: Holy trinity is confusing for some christians and non-christians alike because they have different kind of beliefs depending on their religions and some elders are very strict when it comes to beliefs (God). The Church Fathers, especially Gregory of Nyssa, proposed a significant revision of classical metaphysics. This is a very important truth to understand because the Trinity is one of the most confusing and misunderstood concepts of Christianity. (1) There is only one God. The triangle is perhaps one of the earliest and simplest symbols that were associated with the Trinity. Done. (4) The Holy Spirit is God. Greet children, and discuss mysteries that are hard to grasp Hello, children of God! 'triad', from Latin: trinus 'threefold') defines God as being one god existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence). It is both a separate entity and a part of God at the same time. Greet children, and discuss mysteries that are hard to grasp Hello, children of God! The Holy Trinity is the biblical, monotheistic doctrine that there is only one God in three distinct co-equal, co-eternal Persons: the Father, the Son ( Jesus Christ ), and the Holy Spirit; three Persons of the one nature and being. Trying to "fully understand" God is like a 2-year-old trying to "fully understand" the complexities of relationships, marriage, and . The Holy Spirit Is Part of the Trinity. God told Moses in the Torah to tell God's people these words: M. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.". The Trinity is like H2O. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (Latin: Trinitas, lit. Each of the three persons in the godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) possesses the same eternal and infinite . If you are a Christian, you have to understand that fundamental fact. Simply put, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity states that God is the union of three divine persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - in one divine being. Also, doctrine of the Trinity goes hand in hand with the doctrine of salvation (e.g., the many things that Jesus said and did have no meaning if He is not God ). However, this is a grossly simplified and to some extent even misleading answer, so you deserve quite a bit better than that. This only means that Christians are bonded and unified by God's . My Starting Point for Trying to Explain the Trinity. In this paper, I consider the philosophical consequences of one tradition in Trinitarian theology, which emphasizes that each of the persons of the Trinity is wholly God. answered: musa79. Teaching of the Church. Answer (1 of 12): Why is the concept of the Holy Trinity confusing for some Christians and non-Christians alike? In this context, the three persons define who God is, while the one . All persons are beings, but not all beings are persons. It is also true that there were ancient pagan . The central Christian affirmations ab. In the beginning was the Word (God the Son), and the Word was with God (God the Father) and the Word was God (God the Son). Answer: The extremely brief answer to your question is that origin of the doctrine of the trinity is the teaching of Jesus and the New Testament (with a little bit of support from the Old Testament). It's like the three stages of water: ice, liquid and vapour. These three were said by the pagans to 'agree in one.'. It's like three parts of an egg: the shell, the white bit and the yolk. The Babylonians used an equilateral triangle to represent this three-in-one god, now the symbol of the modern three-in-one believers." "The Hindu trinity was made up of the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As such, I would like to make a few statements on the purpose and importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Regardless of religious persuasion you've probably heard of the holy trinity. God is infinite. 1. Second, we don't believe that the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are three "forms" of Godlike, steam, water and ice. The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This seems to be a situation where the answer is C, both A and B. But he is also the King, reigning over us. (3) The Son is God. The only mention of the Holy Spirit along with God the Father and Jesus Christ is II Corinthians 13:14. The Trinity, sometimes referred to as the Godhead, is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So the concept of the "Tri-unity" is entirely useless and needlessly confusing, and has no basis in reality or scripture. This does not support the Trinity doctrine. Every term in this statement (God, exists, as or in, equally divine, Person) has been variously understood.